HSSC Exam English online Mock Test

 HSSC exam English Mock test series

Every test according to the latest pattern of HSSC and based on pervious year examination of  HSSC. Here you are find the free mock test for HSSC exam.

HSSC  Exam English Mock test free

Mock Test 1 9-feb-2021

Mock Test 2 16-feb-2021

Mock Test 3 1 march 2021

Mock Test 4

Mock Test 5

Mock Test 6

Mock Test 7

Mock Test 8

Mock Test 9

Mock Test 10

For HSSC Staff nurse/ MPHW  Full length  Mock Test Click Here

English syllabus for all HSSC exam

for HSSC aspirants have gone through basic grammar portion upto class 10th and some advanced topic. Atleast 5 to 7 marks question asked every exam of HSSC.

Topics are following:

Sentence arrangement
Type of sentence
active voice/passive voice
Phrasal verbs
Error spotting
Sentence improvement

Some example of question asked in exam:

1. Fill in the blanks The parcel…………. A month ago 

A was sent

B sent 

C is sent

D had sent 

2. The hostel gates ……………at 8.00 pm everyday 

A is locked. 

B locks 

C locked. 

D are locked 

3. Identify the part of speech of the word Substitution 

A noun. 

B pronoun 

C verb

D adjective

4. Change voice The bank was looted last night.

 A)Somebody had looted the bank Last night 

B)Somebody looted the bank Last night 

C)The bank is being looted last night 

D) Somebody has looted the bank Last night

5. Fill in the blanks Neither he attend the class…………. He studied.

A nor

B or 

C but 

D and

Complete syllabus of HSSC  Staff nurse exam

HSSC staff nurse exam syllabus comprises in two main part

A.  75% of  exam cover the subject concern are following:

General Awareness

That include the History of India , geography, polity, economics, demography, national event, international organization ,Current Affairs etc.


The basic understanding of student level upto 12 th will be asked in exam. Mainly arithmetic  portion.


Verbal and non-verbal reasoning as common level for general exam

General Science

That include the concept up to 10 or 12th level from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Environment science


Basic level of computer and internet, networking, language like java, python  . question asked as level up to 12th class.


Current affairs and national event



Anatomy and physiology, Microbiology, Fundamental of nursing, community health nursing, medical surgical nursing, nutrition, first aid, Midwifery and gynecological nursing , etc.


Basic grammar of Hindi level upto 10th class.


Basic grammar level upto  10th class           

B.  25 % and concern subject is following

Haryana  GK

General awareness of Haryana

History, Geography , Civics  of Haryana

Culture of Haryana

Current affairs of Haryana

Economics of Haryana

Famous Personality

Animal Husbandry

Administration  of Haryana  

Socio- economic criteria for HSSC exam

The 10 marks for socio-economic criteria and experience shall be allocated as follows:

1.  If neither the applicant nor any person from among the applicant’s family viz father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son is, was or has been a regular employee in any Department/Board/ Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/Commission/Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India.

(5 marks)

2. If the applicant is:-

(i) A widow; or

(ii) The first or the second child and his father had died before attaining the age of 42 years: or

(iii) The first or the second child and his father had died before the applicant had attained the age of 15 years,”.

(5 marks)

3 If the applicant belongs to such a de notified tribe (Vimukt  Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic tribe of the State of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class.


One-half (=0.5) mark for each year or part thereof exceeding six month of experience, out of a maximum of sixteen years, on the same or  Department/Board/Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/ Commission/ Authority of Government of Haryana. No marks shall be awarded for any period less than six months.

(A maximum of 8 marks)


HSSC Computer Mock Test  

Staff nurse exam 2020 free  mock test 

Free Online  Hindi Mock Test For HSSC


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