Some fact about Solar System
Solar system
The Solar system is the gravitational bound system of all the matters in it. All the star , sun and all planet which fall in it comes under the Solar system. Every solar system considered center a star like us we considered the sun.
In our solar system mainly the Sun and 8 big plants. Sun is considered the center of the solar system and all the planets revolve around the sun. in our solar system there is nearly 8 lakh minor planets exist.
>Size of Universe- 93 billion light year diameter
> Sun is a nebula Star.
> Sun is a star and center of the solar system.
> It is the nearest star after Alpha centuri.
> Heat
is produced by Nuclear fusion.
> Its a G-type main sequence star and consists 99% of solar system.
> Its have 73% hydrogen and 25% of helium.
> Sun have diameter 84600 miles.
> Its mass is 330000 times of earth mass.
> Its surface temperature about 5778 degree k
> Its still have 5 billion years life
> Heat of sun is measured by pyrometer
Our solar system
have total 8 planet. Earlier they were 9.
But Pluto was no more a Planet.
Order of their existence in solar system
< Venus <
Earth < Mars <
Jupiter < Saturn
< Uranus <
> Nearest planet to the Sun - Mercury
> Far most planet to the Sun- Neptune
>Inner planets-. Mercury, Venus, earth, mars
>Outer planets-. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
>Total number of moon-181
>Hottest planet- Venus
>Coldest planet- Neptune
>Planet having no satellite- Mercury,
>Name the planet having maximum
satellite- Jupiter (67)
>Name the planet which has most largest satellite in whole solar system- Ganymede
>According to size largest planet- Jupiter
>According to size smallest planet- Mercury
>Evening and morning star- Venus
>Sister planet of Earth- Venus
> Seventh planet from the sun- Uranus
>Red planet- Mars
> Number start in the universe- 10^22
> Green
planet- Uranus
> Blue
planet- earth
> Name the planet on which 3 times more of
Mount Everest mountain- nix Olympia (mars).
> Name the planet which floating in water-
> Mars satellite- 2( Phobos, demos).
> Titan satellite is found in Saturn planet.
> After Earth where life is possible- mars
> Triton and merida satellite is found in-
> Who discovered
Neptune- John galle
Satellite of each planet
> Satellite of saturn- 63
>Satellite of
mercury- 0
> Satellite of Uranus- 27
> Satellite of Neptune-13
> Satellite of mars-3
> Satellite of Earth-1
> Satellite of venus-0
> Long distance between the planet is measured
by Light year
> 1 Light year= 9.46 Pm
>1 Pm= 1015 m
Recent event of our solar system
On 21 December 2020 planet Jupiter and Saturn are too closed and this event happen once in 800 years.
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