Electromagnetic Radiation Types- General Science

Electromagnetic Radiation Types- General Science

Electromagnetic wave- electromagnetic wave or radiation  refers to  a wave which possess electromagnetic field  and travel through space with  radiant electromagnetic energy. A common example is sun light wave. In vacuum EMR rays travel at the speed of light

Electromagnetic Radiation Types,GENERAL SCIENCE NOTES
                                          Electromagnetic Radiation Types

It include the  microwaves, gamma rays, radio waves ,X rays, visible rays, infrared rays and ultraviolet rays.

The types of EMR with their wavelengths.

Gamma radiation              1 pico meter

X-ray radiation                   10 pico meter to 1nm

Ultraviolet radiation          1nm to100 nano meter

Visible light                         Nearer 1 micro meter

Infrared radiation              10µ to 100 µm

Microwave radiation         1 mm to 100 m

Radio waves                       1 mm to 100 km

Radio wave

* Radio wave first described by James Clerk  Maxwell. 

*It is a electromagnetic wave .  

*Its have  frequency highest 300GHz to lowest 30Hz.

*These are widely used in Radio Communication system for transmission of data.

*Radio wave are NON Ionizing radiation. 
*The cant brake the chemical bond of molecules.

*They have wide range of wavelength and   transmitted through large distance.


*Microwaves discovered by James clerk Maxwell

*It is used in point to point telecommunication

*They are very useful in narrow beams ranging

*In navigation system 

*Heating and power application such as microwave oven .

*Microwave used in electron paramagnetic resonance in spectroscopy

*Microwaves are non ionizing radiation which Maine that microwave photon do not contain sufficient energy to ionize so less harmful to living things

Gamma Radiation-

*Gamma rays produced by radioactive decay of the atomic nuclei. They discovered by the scientist Paul Villard. But the name give by the Ernest Rutherford as Gamma radiation.

* Gamma radiation have strong penetration power through the matter.

*Gamma rays have energy 1.24 MeV per photons.

*Gamma rays used in medicine in radiotherapy to kill the cancer cell.

*Also used for sterilize the medical equipment.                               

*Used in industry as disinfection and also for measurement purpose.

*Gamma rays used to kill the living organism process called irradiation.

*Co60 and Cs 137 isotopes are used in industry to produce the Gamma rays .

Visible rays- 

 Visible rays is the portion of electromagnetic ways  which is visible to human eye.

*A human eye respond to the 380 to 740 nanometer wavelength rays.

* As we know red colour have highest wavelength and violet have lowest wavelength. The frequency is vice versa.

X Rays-

X Rays-  They have wavelength  in between of Gamma ray and   UV rays. 

*It is also called Rontgen  radiation.

*  X ray name here signify  the unknown radiation.

* X rays are emitted by electron. While gamma rays sourced by the atom nucleus. Its is a ionizing radiation.

*It use in crystallography for  study of lattice  structure.

*At airport security.

* To  picture a small object.

* In medical treatment.

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