Nurse exam MCQ for all State Nurse exam

Nurse exam MCQ for all  State  Nurse  exam 

The following MCQ question are based on the basis of  the pervious  exam of nursing of different state , RRB Paramedical, AIMS, PGI and Government college recruitment exam .

Q1 In ECG the QRS complex represent 

a expansion of both ventricle

b contraction of both atria

c contraction of both ventricle

d contraction of left ventricle



Q2 Blood pressure is maximum when leaving the which heart chamber 

a left atria

b right ventricle

c left ventricle

d right atria 

Q3 Lungs volume exchanged during breathing is measured by

a   Stethoscope

b   Spirometer

c   Sphygmomanometer

d   aerometer

Q4 The site of respirations in lungs 

a bronchi

b alveoli

c nasal mucosa

d none


Q5Tuberculosis is a

a airborne diseases

b water borne diseases

c food borne

d none of these


Q6 PH maintained for production of penicillin 

a 8

b 7

c 5.5

d 6.5


Q7 Gonorrhea is a

a water borne diseases

b air borne diseases

c sexually transmitted disease

d a and b


Q8 The first symptoms of tetanus is 

a jaw lock

b truisms

c anorexia

d  dysphagia


Q9 Brucella causes

 a plague

b tetanus

c pertussis

d brucellosis


Q10Bacitracin test is done for 

a pneumococci

b group a  streptococci

c gonococci

d none of these


Q11 Yellow fever is caused by

a arbo virus

b calci virus

c bunya virus

d none of these


Q12 In Hypoglycemia what level of blood sugar

 a 100. mg/dl

b 70 mg/dl

c 120 mg/dl

d 90mg/dl


Q13 Body condition in which bones become weak and brittle

 a osteoporosis

b osteoblasts

c osteoscope

d osteoderm

Q14 Which of the following ribs are known as true ribs?

a Ribs1st to 12th

b Ribs1st to 7th

c.Ribs8th to 12th

d.Ribs11th and 12th

Q15 Which of the following bone in our body does not articulate with another bone?

a. Mandible

b. Nasal bone

c. Cricoid bone

d. Hyoid bone


Q16 During Pregnancy, deficiency of which of the following leads to neural tube defects?

a Folic acid.

b Iron.

c Calcium.

d Zinc.


Q17 During which stage of labor, the placenta is delivered?

a Stage 1.

b Stage 2.

c Stage 3.

d Stage 4.

Q18 First Movements of the baby felt by the mother are known as?

a Lightening.

b Engagement.

c Quickening.

d Ballottement.

Q19 Which hormone is helpful in the growth of Ovarian follicles?

a). F.S.H.

b). L.H.

c). Estrogen.

d). Progesterone.

Q20 Which of the following vaccine commonly given to pregnant mothers?

a Measles.

b B.C.G.

c Tetanus.

d D.P.T.

Q21 One cardiac cycle completes in

a 1 sec

b .5 sec

c .8 sec

d .2 sec

Q22 The cerebrospinal fluid is secreted by

a pons

b choroid plexuses

c central sulcus

d arachnoid

Q23 Permanent stopping of women menstruation cycle is called

a menarche

b dysmenorrhea

c menopause

d amenorrhea

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