Q.1 A
Ans   Environment means surroundings environment include both physical or non living and living environment. Environment is the sum total of air water and land and the interrelationship that exist among them can with the human beings other living organism and property.Environmental studies also incorporate social science for understanding human relationship perception and policy toward the environment. So environmental studies involve systematic interaction between human health economy development in the environment. Environment study is a multidisciplinary subject so is thought to be a great scope. This has been linked with the issue of sanitation heart pollution control biodiversity conservation and conservation of natural resources. Every person of our country should be in a fairly good boy action to access the potential threat in every sphere of environment. Since time immemorial in Indian culture has in fact that the life owes its existence and obtain instances from environment.

Q1 . B
 Development brings the benefit to all the people of all the nation for the present as well as future generation. Unsustainable development means the development of a new release Nation both in science and technology so resulting their fasted what are the cost of our life for a system like air water and save it in one over exploitation of our natural resources which may lead to the collapse of interrelated system of the earth.

 Sustainable development in the minimise depletion of non renewable resources. It include conservation of earth with vitality and diversity. It must include improvement in the quality of nice 14 system of the earth. But keep the population within the carrying capacity of the earth. It in our community to care their our environment. It must create a global alliance. It must provide framework for the development and conservation process there are some steps for sustainable development.

* 3R  approach reduce reuse recycle 

* Environmental education and awareness

* Use of locally adaptable eco friendly and resource efficient technology

* Utilise resources as per carrying capacity.




Primary succession primary succession newly exposed our newly formed rock is colonized by theliving thing for the first time.Primary succession is defined as a type of ecological succession which occurs or start from the barren uninhabited and unoccupied areas such as the newly formed pond rock dunes except while such kind of succession which occur in the area where there was the existence of life previously but got abundant due to destruction .Examples :


*Oil spills

*Nuclear explosion

Secondary succession.: secondary succession occur when the spirit of disturbance is insufficient to remove all the existing vegetation and soil from a site.main different kind of disturbance such as fire flooding wind storms human activities etc.

Examples group dynamics harvesting login and abandonment of cropland

Renewal after disease fire destroy of vegetation etc.


Q.3 A


    The concept of hotspot of biodiversity was developed by Norman Myers in 1988. Identify them priority area for in in situ conservation certain areas in various part of world are known with mega biodiversity of species. India contribute about 8% of global biodiversity although it be year only 2.4 % of land area of world.

Criteria for identifying the hotspots are:

*Number of endemic species

*Degree of threat

Out of above 29 hotspot 15 are reported in tropical forest 5 in Mediterranean type zones 9 of island. About 20% of human population is inhabited in hotspot area out of 29 hotspot 2 are found in India.

*Eastern Himalayan hotspot

*Western ghat hotspot


So India is considered as largest biodiversity hotspot.

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